- All All link
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- Complex Complex link
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- Mobile Mobile link
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- Web Web link
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- Pet Pet link
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- Commerce Commerce link
- Flutter, Flutter, link
- Dart, Dart, link
- Web, Web, link
- Mobile, Mobile, link
- iOS, iOS, link
- Android Android link
The website of the Ministry of Finance was developed with the support of the World Bank in 2022
- Laravel, Laravel, link
- PHP, PHP, link
- Web, Web, link
- JS, JS, link
- Adaptive Design Adaptive Design link
Pacman in Japan, is a 1980 maze action video game developed and released by Namco for arcades.
Innovative technologies for agriculture in Kyrgyzstan
My first landing page webiste
The Javascript library adds interactivity to your cursor on the site ⚔️. The circle will follow the cursor and animate in various ways that you can customize 🌌
- Typescript, Typescript, link
- Webpack, Webpack, link
- npm, npm, link
- Web, Web, link
- Javascript Javascript link
The State Tax Service of the Kyrgyz Republic has launched a pilot project involving the use of electronic navigation seals in road and rail freight transportation between the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation. This is reported by the STS press service.
- Typescript, Typescript, link
- React, React, link
- NPM, NPM, link
- Web, Web, link
- Javascript, Javascript, link
- MapboxGL MapboxGL link
Check out this 2D game created using flame, or more accurately, bonfire. Flame is game engine on #dart language
- Game, Game, link
- Flutter, Flutter, link
- Dart, Dart, link
- Flame, Flame, link
- Tiled, Tiled, link
- Bonfire Bonfire link
A 3D earth project where I used Three.js search to create a realistic rendering of our planet. The goal of the project was to create an interactive 3D earth globe.
- 3D, 3D, link
- Three.js, Three.js, link
- WebGL, WebGL, link
- JavaScript, JavaScript, link
- TypeScript TypeScript link
Hello stranger, I'm trying to make an FPS game as similar to Counter Strike 1.6 as possible.
- Game, Game, link
- Three.js, Three.js, link
- WebGL, WebGL, link
- JavaScript, JavaScript, link
- TypeScript, TypeScript, link
- 3D, 3D, link
- FPS FPS link
Web audio visualizer based on the Three.js library. And the source code is written in TypeScript
- Three.js, Three.js, link
- WebGL, WebGL, link
- JavaScript, JavaScript, link
- TypeScript, TypeScript, link
- 3D, 3D, link
- Audio Audio link
The TextParticleizer class, which makes the text destructible into particles, using the PIXI library and the usual javascript
- JavaScript, JavaScript, link
- PIXI, PIXI, link
- Particles, Particles, link
- Text, Text, link
- Typescript Typescript link
The application allows you to provide preliminary information about the delivery of goods to the country, and also includes other services, such as ATS, PTD.
- Dart, Dart, link
- Flutter, Flutter, link
- Firebase, Firebase, link
- Web, Web, link
- Adaptive Design Adaptive Design link
Personal account of a participant in foreign economic activity. The application allows you to provide preliminary information about the delivery of goods to the country, and also includes other services, such as ATS, PTD.